Olen Zellweger
Defenseman | 5'10 | 187 |
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Draft Information
A/P Score | Original Draft Year | Year Drafted | Hockey Prophets Rank | Weighted Rank | NHL Drafted | NHL Draft Team |
-3.59 | 2021 | 2021 | 26 | 50 | 34 | Anaheim Ducks |
Prospect Rank Information
Status | Rank | A/P Indicated NHL Probability | A/P Indicated NHL Points Per Year |
Active | 14 | 89% | 35 |
Player Notes
Name | Note Type | Note | Writer | Game Watched | Game Date | Date Viewed | Game Number |
Olen Zellweger | Note | Spins out of pressure and turns the puck up ice and into the neutral zone. | Brian Fogarty | Canada vs Czech Republic (2021 World U18s) | 5/3/2021 | 7/1/2021 | 10229 |
Olen Zellweger | Note | Constantly scanning the ice, always head up and reading the rest of the flow. | Brian Fogarty | Canada vs Czech Republic (2021 World U18s) | 5/3/2021 | 7/1/2021 | 10229 |
Player Statistics