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Andrew BashaMedicine Hat vs Red Deer (WHL)4/2/2024Gets the puck in the neutral zone, drives and dangles but can't get a clean shot away. Carries behind the net, out the left side, around the top, then throws the puck at the net. Not once did he look for passing options.


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1,469 9,483 326

Jimmy Snuggerud

Left Wing6'1188

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Draft Information

A/P ScoreOriginal Draft YearYear DraftedHockey Prophets RankWeighted RankNHL DraftedNHL Draft Team
-0.9220222022232223St Louis Blues


Prospect Rank Information

StatusRankA/P Indicated NHL ProbabilityA/P Indicated NHL Points Per Year


Player Notes

Hockey Prophets Player Notes
NameNote TypeNoteWriterGame WatchedGame DateDate ViewedGame Number
Jimmy SnuggerudNoteHis shot just blazes off his stickBrian FogartyMinnesota vs Michigan State (NCAA)11/26/202312/14/202310292
Jimmy SnuggerudNoteSnuggerud gets ejected for a hitting from behind call that ends their own 5 minute majorBrian FogartyMinnesota vs Michigan State (NCAA)11/26/202312/14/202310292
Jimmy SnuggerudNoteSnuggerud with a beautiful pass. One tap give and go through traffic at speed. Just wonderful activity.Brian FogartyMinnesota vs Michingan (NCAA)3/18/20233/30/202310276
Jimmy SnuggerudNoteSnuggerud is skating much better these days. Seems like every time I see him his feet look better.Brian FogartyMinnesota vs Michingan (NCAA)3/18/20233/30/202310276
Jimmy SnuggerudNoteBig hit dislodges the puck, he collects and starts another attack.Brian FogartyMinnesota vs Michingan (NCAA)3/18/20233/30/202310276
Jimmy SnuggerudNoteTurns are okay, but his first step lags a bit.Brian FogartyUSNTDP vs Green Bay (USHL)3/27/20225/25/202210263
Jimmy SnuggerudNoteJust not very fast. His form is okay, but his feet are slow to move through the entire stride and return. Limits his speed and acceleration.Brian FogartyUSNTDP vs Green Bay (USHL)3/27/20225/25/202210263
Jimmy SnuggerudNoteNo looks a pass from right circle to left to find a wide-open Duke and an easy goal.Brian FogartyUSNTDP vs Green Bay (USHL)3/27/20225/25/202210263
Jimmy SnuggerudNoteNice little pass that leads Nazar into a scoring chance.Brian FogartyUSNTDP vs Green Bay (USHL)3/27/20225/25/202210263
Jimmy SnuggerudSummaryNot the fastest player on the ice, but he made a significant impact at both ends with tenacity and puck movement. He'll bump, he'll grind, and then he'll make a nice read and pass that ends up with the puck in the back of the net. Probably more of a quality middle-six type than top six, but he looks like he has the tools to be an NHLer.Brian FogartyUSNTDP vs Green Bay (USHL)3/27/20225/25/202210263


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