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Matthew WoodU18 vs U20 Red (Canada Summer Showcase 2022)7/27/2022Turning radius is wide, but his hips are quick on forward to backward swivel.


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1,469 9,483 326

Hunter Laing


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0.8320242024295169170Calgary Flames


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Player Notes

Hockey Prophets Player Notes
NameNote TypeNoteWriterGame WatchedGame DateDate ViewedGame Number
Hunter LaingNoteTall, lanky, but moves pretty well considering he's so long-limbed at his age.Brian FogartyEverett vs Prince George (WHL)11/20/20232/16/202410296
Hunter LaingNoteNice defensive-zone faceoff win.Brian FogartyEverett vs Prince George (WHL)11/20/20232/16/202410296
Hunter LaingNoteSecond-unit powerplay.Brian FogartyEverett vs Prince George (WHL)11/20/20232/16/202410296
Hunter LaingNoteSuffers from the wide turn radius that you’d expect with his length.Brian FogartyEverett vs Prince George (WHL)11/20/20232/16/202410296


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