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Fraser Minten


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Draft Information

A/P ScoreOriginal Draft YearYear DraftedHockey Prophets RankWeighted RankNHL DraftedNHL Draft Team
-0.5120222022756538Toronto Maple Leafs


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Player Notes

Hockey Prophets Player Notes
NameNote TypeNoteWriterGame WatchedGame DateDate ViewedGame Number
Fraser MintenNoteDecent speed, keeps his feet moving.Brian FogartyCHL Top Prospects Game 20223/23/20226/21/202210264
Fraser MintenNoteNot a ton of hustle on the backcheck.Brian FogartyCHL Top Prospects Game 20223/23/20226/21/202210264
Fraser MintenNoteAttentive in his own end, but he's not getting in the mix much.Brian FogartyCHL Top Prospects Game 20223/23/20226/21/202210264
Fraser MintenNoteNice outside-in move with the puck, beats Mateychuk but not the goalie.Brian FogartyCHL Top Prospects Game 20223/23/20226/21/202210264
Fraser MintenSummaryKind of average in the game, nothing bad but nothing special, either. He looks like a player that could break into the NHL as a role player at 21 or 22 if all goes well for him.Brian FogartyCHL Top Prospects Game 20223/23/20226/21/202210264
Fraser MintenNoteHas the space to turn away and keep possession, but tries to go through the forechecker instead.Brian FogartyKamloops vs Victoria (WHL)11/6/202111/26/202110249
Fraser MintenNoteTries a far post backhand shot, when he'd have been better to pass left instead of that low-probability shot.Brian FogartyKamloops vs Victoria (WHL)11/6/202111/26/202110249


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