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1,469 9,483 326

Ethan Gauthier

Right Wing5'11181

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Draft Information

A/P ScoreOriginal Draft YearYear DraftedHockey Prophets RankWeighted RankNHL DraftedNHL Draft Team
-0.9020232023263137Tampa Bay Lightning


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Player Notes

Hockey Prophets Player Notes
NameNote TypeNoteWriterGame WatchedGame DateDate ViewedGame Number
Ethan GauthierNoteClean mechanics, very good speed.Brian FogartyCanada vs Switerland (Hlinka-Gretzky Cup 2027/31/20228/1/202210267
Ethan GauthierNoteHard rub off at the half board forces the puck back into the corner. Then Gauthier moves to the empty space in the slot and when Benson gets the puck to him, there's no wasted time or movement. One touch snap shot against the grain. GoalBrian FogartyCanada vs Switerland (Hlinka-Gretzky Cup 2027/31/20228/1/202210267
Ethan GauthierNoteDown low near the top of the crease, slams home a nice feed from the low right circle.Brian FogartySherbrooke vs Victoriaville (QMJHL)11/21/202112/14/202110251
Ethan GauthierNoteConstantly in the danger area, not afraid to mix it up at the net or on the boards.Brian FogartySherbrooke vs Victoriaville (QMJHL)11/21/202112/14/202110251
Ethan GauthierNoteTries to guide a wrist shot top corner, but misses high.Brian FogartySherbrooke vs Victoriaville (QMJHL)11/21/202112/14/202110251
Ethan GauthierSummaryAlways around the slot, goes hard to the net and is willing to camp out there. Good hands down low, and could make a living by banging home rebounds and backdoor passes. Would like to see more of his shooting from range before making a determination on his shooting ability. Good skater, nothing exceptional, but again, plays down low so much that his skating isn’t really an issue either way.Brian FogartySherbrooke vs Victoriaville (QMJHL)11/21/202112/14/202110251


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