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Christian Humphreys


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Draft Information

A/P ScoreOriginal Draft YearYear DraftedHockey Prophets RankWeighted RankNHL DraftedNHL Draft Team
-0.85202420245898215Colorado Avalanche


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Player Notes

Hockey Prophets Player Notes
NameNote TypeNoteWriterGame WatchedGame DateDate ViewedGame Number
Christian HumphreysNoteSlippery with the puck on the boards.Brian FogartyFinland vs US (U18 WJC 2024)4/30/20245/3/202410305
Christian HumphreysNoteGood, creative puck mover, using his feet and crisp choices to be very ellusive.Brian FogartyFinland vs US (U18 WJC 2024)4/30/20245/3/202410305
Christian HumphreysNoteHe is a high-vision passer who finds dangerous options when he has the puck.Brian FogartyFinland vs US (U18 WJC 2024)4/30/20245/3/202410305
Christian HumphreysNoteHands are super quick.Brian FogartyFinland vs US (U18 WJC 2024)4/30/20245/3/202410305
Christian HumphreysNoteUses his hands to create deception, showing one way with the puck and turning the other with his hips and feet. He's crafty.Brian FogartyFinland vs US (U18 WJC 2024)4/30/20245/3/202410305
Christian HumphreysSummaryHumphreys is a playmaker who can find open players with the best of them. His passing and puckhanding are excellent, and he has the small-space skating that will help him a lot in the NHL.Brian FogartyFinland vs US (U18 WJC 2024)4/30/20245/3/202410305


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