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Adam Titlbach


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Player Notes

Hockey Prophets Player Notes
NameNote TypeNoteWriterGame WatchedGame DateDate ViewedGame Number
Adam TitlbachNoteNice give and go through the neutral zone gets him into the offensive zone in possession, and the passing combination has created a 4-on-2. Titlbach shows pass as he drives the slot, then unleashes a no-look, hard wrist shot that beats the goaltender top blocker side. Brian FogartyCzechia vs US (Hlinka-Gretzky 2023)7/31/20239/20/202310291
Adam TitlbachNoteGreat feed. Holds, looks off the defender, then elevates the puck to Drancak for a tap-in goal.Brian FogartyCzechia vs US (Hlinka-Gretzky 2023)7/31/20239/20/202310291
Adam TitlbachSummaryNotes suffer here because he was on the same line with Benak who just stole the show. Titlbach looked dangerous and clever, with good skating and awareness.Brian FogartyCzechia vs US (Hlinka-Gretzky 2023)7/31/20239/20/202310291


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