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Jonathan LekkerimakiSweden vs Germany (Hlinka-Gretzky Cup 2021)8/2/2021Drives the net, pulls across, shoots far side, saved.

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Axel Sandin Pellikka


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-2.0620232023141517Detroit Red Wings


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Player Notes

Hockey Prophets Player Notes
NameNote TypeNoteWriterGame WatchedGame DateDate ViewedGame Number
Axel Sandin PellikkaNoteCarrying up ice, hits the brakes and leaves the opponent just scrabbling past him, then Sandin-Pellikka simply resumes the attack. Beautiful.Brian FogartySweden vs Germany (2023 WJCs)12/27/20222/25/202310272
Axel Sandin PellikkaNoteReally aggressive in transition this game.Brian FogartySweden vs Germany (2023 WJCs)12/27/20222/25/202310272
Axel Sandin PellikkaNoteLeft halfboards on the top PP unit.Brian FogartyUS vs Sweden (2023 Four Nations U18s)2/10/20232/24/202310270
Axel Sandin PellikkaNoteGreat work with his feet and reach to force Nelson wide and away from the net.Brian FogartyUS vs Sweden (2023 Four Nations U18s)2/10/20232/24/202310270
Axel Sandin PellikkaNoteHard wrist shot gets deflected wide. Smooth, just like everything else with him.Brian FogartyUS vs Sweden (2023 Four Nations U18s)2/10/20232/24/202310270
Axel Sandin PellikkaSummaryEverything in his game looks so easy. His skating is fluid and his body control is excellent. Poised with the puck, transitions with ease, makes good choices on when to rush and when to be more conservative. He will be a good NHLer.Brian FogartyUS vs Sweden (2023 Four Nations U18s)2/10/20232/24/202310270


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