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Adam BenakSweden vs Czechia (Hlinka-Gretzky Cup 2024)8/9/2024Benak has it all, but at 5'7 there will be a lot of shy NHL general managers who will select lessor but bigger talent. One day, Benak will make them suffer for their lack of bravery.

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Aron Kiviharju


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A/P ScoreOriginal Draft YearYear DraftedHockey Prophets RankWeighted RankNHL DraftedNHL Draft Team
-0.77202420248451122Minnesota Wild


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Player Notes

Hockey Prophets Player Notes
NameNote TypeNoteWriterGame WatchedGame DateDate ViewedGame Number
Aron KiviharjuNoteLovely soft pass from behind his own net to play his line mate into safe space.Brian FogartyCanada vs Finland (Hlinka-Gretzky Cup 2022)8/5/20228/6/202210266
Aron KiviharjuNoteHolds the puck as the forechecker comes in, loads it to his side until the forechecker commits, then passes to the open option.Brian FogartyCanada vs Finland (Hlinka-Gretzky Cup 2022)8/5/20228/6/202210266
Aron KiviharjuNoteLeft point, Wood pokes the puck free from him and heads for a breakaway. Kiviharju closes back, gets position, angles Wood out and below the goal line. Excellent recovery play.Brian FogartyCanada vs Finland (Hlinka-Gretzky Cup 2022)8/5/20228/6/202210266
Aron KiviharjuNoteOne on one defense, drop step, lifts the stick, spins away with the puck. Great stuff.Brian FogartyCanada vs Finland (Hlinka-Gretzky Cup 2022)8/5/20228/6/202210266
Aron KiviharjuNoteHolds at the point, then releases a low wrist shot that gets through all the traffic, but not past Ratzlaff.Brian FogartyCanada vs Finland (Hlinka-Gretzky Cup 2022)8/5/20228/6/202210266


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