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Aiden Foster


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Player Notes

Hockey Prophets Player Notes
NameNote TypeNoteWriterGame WatchedGame DateDate ViewedGame Number
Aiden FosterNoteUp ice speed looks pretty good.Brian FogartyEverett vs Prince George (WHL)11/20/20232/16/202410296
Aiden FosterNoteShort spaces, his skating is average at best. Not much in the way of acceleration or tight maneuverability.Brian FogartyEverett vs Prince George (WHL)11/20/20232/16/202410296
Aiden FosterNoteSolid physical play on the boards.Brian FogartyEverett vs Prince George (WHL)11/20/20232/16/202410296
Aiden FosterNoteGood work to drive up the left side, fight through some stick checks, and get the puck on the net.Brian FogartyEverett vs Prince George (WHL)11/20/20232/16/202410296


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